Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Sunday that Accomplished Much

So today was an unexpectedly productive day. I woke up without much of a plan, other than eating breakfast and finishing the very last bit of scanning/shredding for the massive organization project I mentioned for that professional organization. I'm amazed I managed to get it all done in less than a month, honestly. Well, almost done. I do still have to burn all the files to two sets of CD-Rs - one to keep with the Treasurer materials, the other to stay with another member in another state in case my computer explodes or something. But the box is empty. Empty! It's beautiful. And I got a little knitting done while waiting on the scanner, as well.

Then I got a craving for chicken taco soup, which I have literally not made since we moved up from Texas this summer. Really, I haven't been doing much cooking at all, actually. So I whipped up a little list, made a quick trip to Safeway, and had the soup in the crockpot at exactly 2 pm, which meant it was done cooking at 7 pm, right after I had finished piecing the sunflower quilt I started in college. Yes, college. Circa 2001, I believe. It is, in fact, the only project that has been pulled out, worked on, and packed away in Washington, Virginia, Texas, AND Oregon. Phew! And's done. It's pieced and it's ready to be quilted. Now I just have to decide whether to try & quilt it myself or to take it to a professional. Thoughts?

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