This is a cooking weekend, which means I am preparing 7 recipes to go in the freezer for future use (as of right now, I have 4 down, 1 in the slow cooker, and 2 to go). I double all of the recipes and, since we are a relatively small family (2 1/2 people, as we like to joke) that generally gives us 2-3 nights worth of meals. I also had a revelation while reorganizing the freezer this morning in preparation for the additional bounty about to descend on it: for me, it is not enough to have a list of what's in the freezer next to the meal plan calendar; I also need to make note of the date on which each meal was prepared/frozen. I actually had to throw away (the shame!) six meals this morning, as my helpful husband pointed out they had been prepared in September, October or November and most likely were no longer fit to eat. Talk about learning things the hard way, huh?
Anyhow, here is what's on our menu this week:
Monday - Chicken Spaghetti (prepared yesterday and waiting patiently in the fridge)
Tuesday - Slow Cooker Chicken Taco Soup (cooked yesterday and frozen)
Wednesday - BBQ Potatoes (pork is in the crock pot now; I will make the potatoes Wednesday)
Thursday - Spaghetti (sauce pre-made and frozen)
Friday - Chicken Fajitas (pre-made and frozen raw; chicken will marinate while it defrosts)
Saturday - Lasagna (pre-made and frozen)
Sunday - Shepherd's Pie (pre-made and frozen)
For more meal planning ideas, visit I'm an Organizing Junkie's home page or her Menu Plan Monday page. One of my favorite blogs!