I can barely believe February is nearly over! Not to be a negative nelly, but this month has really presented more challenges than I'd expected, including three funerals. My hymn of the month has been Chris Rice's version of "It is Well with my Soul". If you haven't heard it, allow me to provide you with a nice video:
So now, on to food for the week! Believe it or not, we did have a meal plan last week, it was just so crazy around here that about Wednesday I gave up trying to post it, LOL!
Lunch - Turkey & cheddar sandwiches on french bread, applesauce, carrot sticks
Dinner - Cheeseburger soup (made ahead & frozen), green beans, rolls
Lunch - Enchiladas, apple slices, chips
Dinner - Spaghetti w/meat sauce (sauce made ahead & frozen), garlic bread
Lunch - Leftover spaghetti, carrot sticks, orange wedges
Dinner - Mexican soup (made ahead & frozen; I make this with chicken, not turkey), chips, mixed veggies
Lunch - PB&J, apple slices, yogurt
Dinner - n/a (bowling league night)
Lunch - Turkey & cheddar on wheat bread, applesauce, carrot sticks
Dinner - BBQ chicken (prepared ahead & frozen) from the slow cooker on hamburger buns, coleslaw
Also, as a special treat, my dear husband has announced that he will be making baby burgers on Saturday night - yum! Now that we have entered TAKs season (state-wide standardized testing, for those of y'all who don't live in Texas) the poor thing is teaching 6 days a week instead of 5 for the next six weeks or so, so anything we can do to make his half-weekend a little better, we do. Let me tell you, kids, your teachers don't like Saturday school any better than you do!