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This week's meal plan is going to be a little odd. It is the last week of school here in Texas and, since both my husband and I work for school districts, we both have ridiculous amounts of work-related events going on this week. Plus our church is starting the new outdoor service on Wednesday nights (where I will be helping with the music), so things are going to be a little nuts. Plus, my freezer is almost empty, since I haven't planned in a cooking day since April!Here's what I have planned, though:Monday - Baby BurgersTuesday - n/a (I have a work event)Wednesday - n/a (Dinner @ church)Thursday - n/a (Husband has a work event)Friday - Spaghetti & Meat Sauce (sauce made ahead & frozen)Saturday - King Ranch Chicken Casserole (made ahead & frozen)Sunday - Sweet & Sour ChickenFor more awesome menu-planning ideas, visit I'm an Organizing Junkie and check out the hundreds of meal plans linked up by other bloggers. And for those of you local, good luck getting through the last week of school! See y'all on the other side! :-)
Here's what we'll be eating this week:
Monday - Salsa Chicken (made ahead & frozen; served it with tortillas, avocado, lettuce and beans - YUM!)
Tuesday - Potato Soup (made ahead & frozen)
Wednesday - Steak & Pasta Soup (made ahead & frozen)
Thursday - Tortilla Chicken (made ahead & frozen)
Friday - Beef Stew (made ahead & frozen)
Saturday - Spaghetti (a great excuse to make a huge batch of sauce and restock the freezer!)
Sunday - Baby Burgers
For more great menu ideas, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie's Meal Plan Monday section!
As our school year winds down (9 days left in my school district, 8 in my husband's) and Monkey Boy prepares to take off to visit his grandparents for the beginning of summer vacation, I find myself yearning for the warm, lazy days of summer. Oh, to lounge by the pool on a beach towel, cold drink in hand and magazine in front of me. Then I snap myself back to reality and realize there may not be all that much lounging to be had this summer, despite the temporary lack of mommy responsibilities!
Well, nonetheless, I'm looking forward to the change in work seasons. School all day, every weekday, becomes a mere six weeks of Monday through Thursday half days. As I always say in regards to my most difficult kiddos, it's amazing
what you can put up with for 30 minutes, and during the summer sometimes it's more like 15 minutes! I also get to work a few weeks in the afternoon out in another, larger district, working with another music therapist I only get to collaborate with during the summer. It's a chance to work with different kids, different staff, have fun, try out new interventions, and make a little side money. Definitely worth it! On top of that, I have my homebound clients, and who knows what other contracts the summer will bring? 'Tis the season to experiment with different populations in various settings!
So those are the real-job gigs. Then there is the dancing In addition to teaching my beloved adult class at the rec center this summer, I will be taking classes myself at another studio, as well as helping my instructor study for her teacher's exam (I took it myself back in '99) and possibly guest-teaching some classes for the high school & adult dancers. My instructor is bringing in a guest teacher for a workshop in June (a weekend of dancing, 6 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday - can my old legs handle it?!?!) and we already have a couple performances scheduled. Dancing is one of those things that pays you back exponentially - however hard you work, whatever you put into it, you will get back more!
And then, the unexpected Grace. A play on words, based on the name of my church, Grace Lutheran, of course. I have been asked to assist with a new, Wednesday night worship program that our pastor is starting up this summer. It will be outside, Grace on the Lawn, and I will be playing guitar and singing with the praise team. Honestly, I'm a little apprehensive. My first response was, "Hmmm...isn't leading worship for the ADULT-adults?" Yes, I know, I will be 30 next year...time to face the fact that I AM one of the adults! Beyond that, I'm just not sure that I'm *cool* enough to play in a band. So. Here's me, admitting fear and still committing to trying something new. I'll keep you posted on my progress with that.
What are your plans for the summer?
Here's our dinner plan for the week. Since I'm running late, I can report that last night's meal (Chicken Spaghetti) was a rip-roaring success!Monday - Chicken Spaghetti (made ahead & frozen)Tuesday - P.F. Chang's (we're test-driving their new frozen entrees)Wednesday - n/a (Monkey Boy and Daddy are taking in a Ranger's game to celebrate his birthday!)Thursday - Tortilla Chicken (made ahead & frozen)Friday - Potato Soup (made ahead & frozen)Saturday - n/a (Monkey Boy's birthday party!)Sunday - Baby BurgersIf you want more dinner ideas, check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for hundreds of other bloggers' meal plans!
I was doing next week's dinner plan this evening and realized pretty much all I have blogged about lately is meal plans! So where have I been? Too busy, for sure. Working in a public school district, this is our serious crunch time - 3 weeks left to finish all the paperwork, sessions, assessments, etc. There is no human way to get it all done, but that won't stop us from trying! Then there have been the neverending birthdays: husband's birthday is at the end of April, exactly 3 weeks before Monkey Boy's, and smack dab in the middle of the two is Monkey Boy's BFF's birthday, so parties abound. Last night I played a wedding of a couple friends - totally awesome time and well worth it, but I am getting too old to stay up for a midnight wedding! Today I took a 2 hour nap and now it is an hour past my bedtime and I am not sleepy at all. Oh dear. Well, at least I'm getting some things weeded out of the To Be Scanned box by the computer!More news: Monkey Boy is leaving in early June to visit his grandparents and various other extended family members up in the Pacific Northwest. He has done this before, so there shouldn't be too much separation anxiety for either one of us, but I am especially anticipating my husband being gone for a week, taking him up there. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but it's been a while since we've had a vacation from each other and I'm looking forward to 7 days of solitude. It will be interesting to see if I can really get as much done this summer as I plan to while Monkey Boy is away, as well.
In other news, I found out this week that I won a copy of the CD "Positive Day, Peaceful Night" by Suzanne Jessee. Being a board-certified music therapist myself, I am always interested to try out various music-based interventions. I'll let y'all know how it is once it arrives. Thanks to Desperately Seeking Deals for having this giveaway!
I'm happy to report my stove has been restored to its former, four-burner glory, and at no charge, thanks to my favorite maintenance guy. One of the benefits of living in an apartment community: If you (or your husband or child) break it, they will fix it :-)
So here's what I'll be making for dinner this week:Monday - King Ranch Chicken Casserole (made ahead & frozen)Tuesday - Zuppa Toscana (made ahead & frozen)Wednesday - Spaghetti (sauce made ahead & frozen)Thursday - Nothing (We'll be at a wedding rehearsal & rehearsal dinner)Friday - Nothing (Attending the wedding of our lovely friends Bonnie & Craig - congrats, guys!)Saturday - Tortilla Chicken (made ahead & frozen)Sunday - Sweet & Sour ChickenMy freezer is running low - only 14 entrees left in there! I'm hoping to do some cooking next Sunday and try out new recipes inspired by all the other amazing bloggers who link up at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday. Check it out if you need some food inspiration!
Here's what we'll be eating this week: