It started a couple days ago with a headache and some stuffiness. Next came the fatigue and achy ears. Finally, around 1 am, it all hit - fever, stomachache, diarrhea. Ugh. This is one of those days that being home alone is definitely not enjoyable. I would be overjoyed if I had someone to bring me some gingerale and hold my hair back while I puked today. Sad, I know.
In the spirit of giving you more than my piteous state of health to read about, here are some more "before" pictures of the cottage I will shortly be moving into, this time some details:
The bathroom. That is a serious green paint job!
The view of the hallway/front door from the kitchen doorway
The light fixture in the hallway. Screaming for a chandelier, no?
The view looking out the bedroom door
The teeny, tiny, adorable door in the living room, with steep little stairs leading up to the attic
The view across the attic. I'm curious about the reinforcing beam in the middle of the floor.
The sad part is I was supposed to go by after work to sign a rental agreement and get the keys today. Sigh. No taking possession of the cottage for me today :-(
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